
Showing posts from February, 2023

Natto / Spermidine

  Spermidine (Natto) Extended mice lifespan by 10%.  Dietary spermidine is associated with reduced overall, cardiovascular and cancer-related mortality in humans. Autophagy is required for the anti-aging effect of spermidine – inhibition of autophagy abolishes the longevity-extending effects of spermidine on yeast, worms and flies. People who ate high amounts of fermented soy (natto and miso) had a 13-14% lower death rate in the 15 year period (~45 grams per day of fermented soy). Spermidine delays aging in humans ( link ) External supply of the natural polyamine spermidine can extend life span in model organisms including yeast, nematodes, flies and mice. Recent epidemiological evidence suggests that increased uptake of spermidine with food also reduces overall, cardiovascular and cancer-related mortality in humans. in mice, the supplementation was able to suppress the age-related decline in cardiovascular function (as measured at 24 months of age) and increased overall longevity by a