
Showing posts from July, 2022

NAD+ Boosters

Niacin Niacin extended release 2g/day reduced liver fat by 47% and visceral fat by 6.3% in a human study with 39 adults with hypertriglyceridemia. Niacin inhibits and reverses hepatic steatosis and inflammation in animals and liver cell cultures. It prevents liver fibrosis in animals and decreases collagen in cultured human stellate cells. Boosts muscle and blood NAD+.  Deficiency of NAD+ creates genomic instability (or rather leads to downgrading of p53 DNA repair enzymes) 5yrs niacin treatment extended human lifespan by ~1 yr (a delayed effect was seen).  Niacin may increase glucose and insulin levels.  [Fixes fatty liver; makes your body as it should. Lowers platelets by 10-20%. Increases fasting insulin, wonder if that’s because of Glycine depletion] Niacin for treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): novel use for an old drug? 2019 Hu et al examined the effect of niacin extended-release (Niacin ER, trade name: Niaspan) on liver fat content in 39 adult patients with h