CBD / Cannabis

 [mood, antibiotic]

* Woman Successfully Treats Stage 4 Kidney Cancer And Celiac Disease With Cannabis Oil


* [NEGATIVE] Cannabis May Impact Tumor Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (link)

Patients who did not receive cannabis were 3.17 times more likely to respond to immunotherapy. Analyzed data from medical charts of 140 patients with advanced melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), or renal cell carcinoma who were treated with nivolumab. While 89 patients received nivolumab alone, 51 patients also received medical cannabis. Patients who received both nivolumab and cannabis had lower response rates (RR) to nivolumab compared to patients who received nivolumab alone (15.9% vs 37.5%; odds ratio [OR] 3.13, P = .016). The biggest impact was seen in patients with RCC and melanoma, where 40.6% of patients who were not receiving cannabis responded to nivolumab, while only 10.0% of patients receiving cannabis responded to treatment. Among patients with NSCLC, the RR was 24.6% without cannabis and 14.6% with cannabis. There were no significant differences in either progression-free survival (PFS; P = .27) or overall survival (OS; P = .045) between patients who received cannabis and those who did not.

* CBD as a Superbug Antibiotic?

"The first thing we looked at is CBD's ability to kill bacteria," he says. "In every case, CBD had a very similar potency to that of common antibiotics." The researchers tested the CBD against some strains of staphylococcus, which cause skin infections, and streptococcus, which cause strep throat. They compared how effective CBD was compared to common antibiotics, such as vancomycin and daptomycin. "We looked at how quickly the CBD killed the bacteria. It's quite fast, within 3 hours, which is pretty good. Vancomycin (Vancocin) kills over 6 to 8 hours." The CBD also disrupted the biofilm, the layer of ''goop'' around bacteria that makes it more difficult for the antibiotic to penetrate and kill. Finally, the lab studies showed that "CBD is much less likely to cause resistance than the existing antibiotics," Blaskovich says. The CBD ''is selective for the type of bacteria," he says. He found it effective against gram-positive bacteria but not gram-negative. Gram-positive bacteria cause serious skin infections and pneumonia, among other conditions. Gram-negative bacteria include salmonella (found in undercooked foods) and E. coli (the cause of urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and other ailments), among other bacteria.

* Any personal experiences with CBD ONLY against depression (i.e. lack of drive and energy)?

It’s great, taken daily it sets in the background of your life and gives you a sense of well being.

[Note: Antibiotics before immune theraphy may adversely impact treatment outcomes (link). Cannabis is like an antibiotic.]


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